I’m 65 years old, carrying a bunch of bottled water around is not an option for me. And drinking tap water is also not an option because I used to have gall and kidney stones and my doctor told me to start drinking bottled water made with reverse osmosis. Turns out the hard minerals in tap water were contributing to my kidney stones. I now have a Culligan drinking water system and get my water right from a special spout on my sink. It’s also hooked up to my ice maker and wow I can’t believe how clear the ice cubes look now. The Culligan man comes out to my house yearly to change my filters and sanitize my system at no charge. Thank you Culligan! I appreciate how you have helped me and will make sure I tell all my friends about how happy I am with your service!
I have well water where I live. The city told me that I had unsafe levels of bacteria in my water and needed to have it treated. And to make matters worse I also had a bunch of red stains in my showers and toilet which turned out to be some type of rusty bacteria. I had one of Culligan’s problem water experts come out to my home and now the problem is fixed and it’s been 6 years now without a single issue. I’m not sure how all the equipment works and it looks pretty complicated but I can tell you that my water has now been deemed safe for drinking and my clothes and shower are no longer pink and red. Needless to say my wife is much happier. I’m a satisfied customer.
We are open 8:30AM - 05:00PM M-F so feel free to stop by our office, call us at (724) 201-2711 to schedule an appointment, or use the contact form above and we’ll get back with you right away.